
Finished Projects

FMC Editor Based on Eclipse/FMC-Editor auf Basis von Eclipse

The project will provide meta models and editors for FMC diagrams. The architecture of the project will be open and extensible for domain-specific applications.

German: Dieses Projekt stellt einen FMC-Editor bereit, der fŸr domŠnenspezifische Anwendungen erweitert werden kann.

Eclipse Project Page

Comprehensive FMC Book

Contact: Andreas Knöpfel

Both industrial project partners and students expressed their need for an introductory and yet comprehensive book about FMC. Our answer is a book with the working title "Fundamental Modeling Concepts - Communicating the Architecture of Information Systems".

FMC Visio Stencils

Contact: Rémy Apfelbacher

The aim of this project is facilitate the creation of FMC diagrams (Blockdiagrams, Petri nets, ER Diagrams, Layer Diagrams). Therefore we offer free Stencils for Visio 2000 or newer, and a tool for performing consistency checking and Petri net simulation. More features will be added during this project.
Please look at the corresponding Sourceforge Project as well.

Technical Reports of the HPI System Modeling Seminar

Contact: Bernhard Gröne

In this seminar, students could practice system modeling with FMC by modeling current technology and products. By doing this, they created a comprehensive collection of presentations and articles, which have been published on the chair's server at HPI website. See the direct links below:

Apache Modeling Project

Contact: Bernhard Gröne

In the Apache Modelling Project, research assistants and students of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute (HPI) have examined, modeled and documented the Apache HTTP Server.

Initiative "Communication about software systems" (KommSE)

Contact: Bernhard Gröne

The Initiative KommSE focused on the communication about software systems during industrial development and maintenance of complex systems.


Contact: Peter Tabeling & Rasmus Hofmann

STAGE was a research project whose aim is to create a prototypic platform (the STAGE platform) for model-based development, with a special focus on conceptual architectural models and support for implicit transactions in distributed environments. The STAGE platform is currently under development, with running prototypes of a virtual machine (the STAGE VM) and a compiler for the STAGE intermediate language (the STAGE assembler).